2023-07-03 21:52:28

Title: How to Make Chinese Deep-Dish Fish and Chips in English
Deep-dish Fish and Chips is a popular dish in China and many people enjoy them as a way to end a meal. If you're looking to try this delicious and spicy dish, here's a detailed guide to making them in English.
1. preparation
To make deep-dish Fish and Chips, you'll need:
- a deep dishpan
- oil for cooking
- a sharp knife
- a pair of厨房纸巾
- a large bowl
- a cutting board
- a pair of cooking utensils
- a pair of墨镜
- a pair of salt and pepper shakers
- a large serving bowl
- a container of oil-based soup stock
- a container of crisps
- a container of spicy辣椒喷雾剂 (chili scallion oil)
- a container of water
2. ingredients
Here's the list of ingredients you'll need to make deep-dish Fish and Chips:
- 250克 (500毫克) 鸡胸肉 (chicken breast)
- 1个 (15毫升) 大黄瓜 (lengthwise黄瓜)
- 1个 (15毫升) 小黄瓜 (短黄瓜)
- 1个 (15毫升) 青瓜 (green南瓜)
- 2根 (50克) 大葱 (scallion)
- 1茶匙 (5毫升) 盐 (table salt)
- 1/2茶匙 (1毫升) 黑胡椒粉 (black胡椒粉)
- 1/4茶匙 (1毫升) 鸡精 (味精)
- 2汤匙 (30毫升) 油 (oil)
- 1汤匙 (15毫升) 醋 (乙酸)
- 1汤匙 (15毫升) 糖 (蜂蜜)
- 1汤匙 (15毫升) 辣椒粉 (chili scallion oil)
- 1/4茶匙 (1毫升) 水 (water)
- 墨镜
- 适量葱花 (scallion葱花)
3. cooking
To cook the deep-dish Fish and Chips, you'll need to follow these steps:
- first,清洁并预热你的Deep dishpan,然后倒入足够的油。你可以根据自己的口味添加辣椒喷雾剂和醋。
- second,将鸡肉切成薄片,将大葱和黄瓜切成段,将青瓜切成小块。
- third,将鸡肉和蔬菜放入Deep dishpan中,用中火煎至金黄色。
- fourth,将大葱和黄瓜片翻过来,继续煎至另一面金黄色。
- fifth,将青瓜块翻过来,继续煎至另一面金黄色。
-第七步,将鸡精和油混合并倒入Deep dishpan中。
-第八步,将Deep dishpan中的油和水混合并倒入容器中。
-第九步,将Deep dishpan中的鸡肉和蔬菜转移到容器中。
-第十一步,将Deep dish fish和 Chips从烤箱中取出,将容器倒扣在盘子上,并撒上适量的葱花。
4. serving
Once you're satisfied with the Deep dish Fish and Chips, you can serve them to your friends or family. You can also add some variety of vegetables such as carrot, cucumber, and tomato to make them more delicious.
In conclusion, making Chinese Deep-Dish Fish and Chips is not a difficult task. Just follow the above steps and you'll be able to create a delicious and spicy dish that everyone will enjoy. If you're new to deep-dish Fish and Chips, start with the small amount of oil and increase the amount of oil as you become more confident. And don't forget to serve your Deep dish Fish and Chips with a side of spicy辣椒喷雾剂, which will add more flavor to the dish!
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